• About our Village of Murray

    About our Village of Murray

    Murray is a village in Cass County, Nebraska, United States. The population was 481 at the 2000 census. As of the census of 2000, there were 481 people, 188 households, and 140 families residing in the village. Read More
  • Conestoga Elementary School

    Conestoga Elementary School

    "Our school and school district are dedicated to providing all students with the educational foundation necessary to succeed in school and in life. To ensure your child’s success, we set high standards that are reflected in what is taught in our classrooms." Read More
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Made possible in part by Community Sustaining Sponsor
How appropriate... the month when taxes are due starts out on 'April Fool's Day' and ends with shouts of 'May Day'!

Changes Happening at Conestoga:

Linda Rice of Murray has been chosen from three candidates to fill the vacant seat on the
Conestoga Board of Education.
Jeremy Schroeder, head coach at Wilber-Clatonia last fall, will be Conestoga’s new head coach for the 2009 football season and will be coaching physical education.
A new band and vocal music director, Dwight Rose, has also been hired.
Conestoga Elementary teacher, Susan Yeoman, is retiring this year.  Applications for this 6th grade teaching postition are being accepted.

'BOOKMARK' THIS.........

Lila Carter, of Beaver Lake,  is a former educator and wanted to make a library available to anyone interested, so she opened 'The Bookmark' at Town Hall.   Open the days and hours that town hall is open and operating on the 'honor-system', readers can check-out books themselves.   The recommended time period is two weeks.   Each book has a corresponding card and there is a card file to leave it in.  A 'Wagon of Books' carries those that are of an exchange type, leave one/take one.  If you have a paperback book that you no longer want, bring it in and check out the Book Wagon for a replacement.  There are some videos, DVD's and lots of children's books, too,  including "Goosebumps"!  
Stop by Town Hall and check one out!


Speaking of books.....a Spring Book Fair will take place on May 7th and 8th at Conestoga Elementary with a 'BOGO',  (buy-one,get-one) sale.
Thursday night is' Family Night', although students will have another opportunity to shop on Friday, as well.
Take advantage to stock-up on some great summer reading material!

will be Friday and Saturday, May 1st & 2nd.

Signs will be put up along Highways 75 & 1. 
Maps will be at most sale locations.
If you plan to place your own signs along roadways PLEASE keep them away from the state's road signs and a minimum 15' from edge of road for safety.  (Per State Dept. of Roads)  Make your lettering BIG and BOLD, so that it can be read by drivers without them having to slow down to read it.
NEVER use nails or staples on power poles when placing signs, because they're a safety hazard for electrical workers.
Also, ALWAYS remove your signs immediately after the sales.  Signs left up blow around, littering  our village, roadways and countryside.  PLEASE clean-up after your sales and remove all signs!
Questions, call Pat, 235-2926.


Why not make Earth Day EVERYDAY? 
For Murray residents' use only,  the village has recycle bins located directly behind town hall.  Residents pay on their trash bill to have this service available. 
The bin is changed out when it is full, approximately once a week, so if you open a bin and find that it's already full, notify Eileen in Town Hall and she'll contact the company.  If she's not available, leave a note in the dropbox on the door, but DO NOT leave your items on the ground.  That is littering and defeats the purpose of recycling and keeping the earth clean.  The bins are usually changed-out the next business day, so please check back in a day or so.  
Plastics, paper, shredded documents, aluminum, and tin can all be emptied into these bins, but NO glass, facial tissue, paper towels, food, liquids, construction/demolition materials or hazardous materials.  Also, please do NOT leave any dirty paper items like food containers with food stuck to them, such as pizza boxes, ice cream cartons,  etc.  Tin cans or plastic bottles do not have to have labels removed, but please give them a quick rinse before recycling.  Clean recyclables help to keep insects and rodents from checking out the premises for a free meal and new home!
You can also find the nearest recycling center for the type of items not accepted in our local bins at Earth911.  For example, if you have fluorescent light bulbs, these need to be recycled, not thrown in with the regular trash.  You can enter 'fluorescent light bulbs' at the top of the page, then your zip code.  It will give you a list of the nearest places to take your items. 
You might want to contact your friends and neighbors and let them know that you're now 'going green' and recycling.  For items that you might need to take some distance, tell others to gather all of their similar items together with yours, then make one trip.  You might want to keep a separate bin in your shed or garage for such items, until you have enough to make the trip worthwhile.  Maybe you can store glass items, another friend, used tires, and another, wood scraps, etc.
You can send in your Eco-Friendly Tips, too,  and we'll print them here for others to use. 
Just send them to:   Editor@MurrayNebraska.com and put 'Eco-Tips' in the subject line.

World-Class Entertainers to Perform at the Lofte

What do you get when you cross world-class juggling talent with family friendly comedy? The answer is, the Gizmo Guys!
Allan Jacobs and Barrett Felker have amazed and amused audiences around the world. The Gizmo Guys have strutted their stuff in places as diverse as Saudi Arabia and Japan and have taught juggling at the renowned French and Canadian National Circus Schools.  But, what makes their act so appealing is their combination of technique and infectious humor. The Gizmo Guys' rapid-fire act inspires sidesplitting laughter in audience members of all ages.
The Gizmo Guys are based out of New York City, but have visited Nebraska several times in the past. Most recently they performed at Lincoln's Lied Center for the Performing Arts in 2007 and treated a sell-out crowd to their special brand of family entertainment. 
The Gizmo Guys will be performing at the Lofte on Friday, May 8th at 7:00pm. Tickets are $12 for adults and $10 for children ages 12 and under. Their show generally runs about an hour.
Everyone from age 0-100 is encouraged to join us for this fun-filled evening. Bring the kids. Bring Grandma and Grandpa. The whole family will have fond memories of this one!
The Gizmo Guys, Allan Jacobs and Barrett Felker will perform for one night only at the Lofte Community Theatre in Manley on Friday, May 8th.
The Lofte Community Theatre is a 501(c)3 non-profit charitable organization supported in part by The Cooper Foundation, The Midlands Community Foundation, and the Cass County Visitors Promotion Committee.  The Lofte Community Theatre isdedicated to providing opportunities for area residents of all ages to participate in the creation process and companionship of live theatre in rural Nebraska and to enjoy the social, artistic, and educational benefits of this art form.


Imagine, one less check to write out, one less letter to mail or one less stop in your busy day to drop off the water payment...your schedule could actually become a little less hectic. Wouldn't that be nice?
Murray residents that enjoy the stream-lined convenience of automatic bank withdrawals for monthly payments on their mortgages, utilities and cars, might want to consider having their water/sewer/trash bill paid in this same manner.
In order for a program of this type to be feasible, there would have to be a fairly high number of households using this option.
Drop a note in with your next payment or leave a message at Town Hall, 235-2119, so the board can get a good idea of the number of residents interested.

Creating Captains Football Camp


June 12th, 8:30a.m. To Noon
Check-In begins at 8:00a.m.
Paid Registration must be received by June 1st
Open to all 3rd Grade – 8th Grade Boys
Camp Location: Conestoga High School – Murray, NE

Dear Parents/Guardians & Players,

The purpose of the Creating Captains Football Camp is two-fold:

1.  To provide participants the opportunity to develop discipline and character to strengthen inner qualities and grow as individuals in a team atmosphere.  This will be an offensive instruction camp only.

2.  To provide participants the opportunity to learn and improve their football knowledge and skills, under the guidance of experienced football players. Each participant will come away with a better understanding of the great game of football.  The camp is designed to meet each player’s needs at a particular position.

Complete care will be taken by all instructors to ensure the safety of all camp participants.  This is a NON CONTACT camp and each drill is designed with the safety of the athlete in mind.

Game Plan Includes:
·    Showing great CHARACTER on and off the field
·    Have the COURAGE to stand in the face of peer pressure
·    Being LEADERS in your schools and communities
·    Showing RESPECT for yourself and others

Matt Davison,
Camp Director

Proud Member of the
Nebraska Cornhuskers
1997 National Champion

Registration Form

Name: ________________________________ (Area Code) & Phone: _______________________
Parent or Guardian’s Names: ________________________________________________________
Street Address: ___________________________________________________________________
City: _____________________________________ State: __________ Zip Code: _____________
Age: ______ T-Shirt Size: Small Med Large XLarge XXLarge
Email Address: _________________________________________________________________
Emergency Name: ______________________________ Phone: ____________________
Waiver: The undersigned, being the custodial parent/legal guardian for the above named participate, hereby releases and waivers any and all claims, losses, damages, injuries to person or property, expense, cause of action or cost named participant has, had or may have in the future against Matt Davison, Creating Captains, Inc., and all other coaches and event sponsors arising from or relating to participant’s participation in, and/or the conduct of, the event. The undersigned also gives permission for any emergency medical treatment by a physician, surgeon, hospital, or medical care facility that my be required, including transportation, and accept responsibility for the cost.
Parent/Guardian Signature:____________________________________________________________
Name Printed: ____________________________________________________________________
Date: ______________________ Player Signature: ____________________________________

Registration Fee is $50.00
Mail completed form and payment to:
Cougar Youth Football
8908 Bellevue Drive
Plattsmouth, NE 68048


SAT, MAY 2nd 7 P.M.


Come and join Craig for the evening! FREE and OPEN to the PUBLIC! A free-will offering will be received to support the ongoing ministry.

Springfield City Wide Garage Sale

Friday May 1st 8:00 – 5:00
Saturday May 2nd 8:00 – 1:00

Baby, Children’s, and Adult Clothes, Furniture, Car Seats, Home Décor Items, Kitchen Items, Pet Supplies, Camping Items,   Furniture and Antiques…Much Much More!!

Springfield City Wide Garage Sale
Friday, May 1st, 2009  8:00 - 5:00
Saturday, May 2nd, 2009 8:00 - 1:00

310 S. 8th Street Circle
Boys clothes (Infant to 4T), baby items, toys (several Leapfrog items), home décor items, miscellaneous girls, adult, and maternity clothes, and children’s furniture

320 S. 8th Street Circle
Car seats, kid’s toys/clothes (girl sizes 5-6), VHS movies, and household items

331 S. 8th Street Circle
Kitchen chairs, baby furniture, and clothes (baby girl and boys)

850 N. 4th Street
Clothes (mens and juniors/women), kitchen items, collectibles, and home décor items

695 Elm Street
Baby items, toys, VCR tapes, and miscellaneous

16110 Platteview Road
Antiques, coat rack, vases, kitchen items, pet supplies and much much more

195 N. 8th Street
Antiques and collectibles, household items, camping items, and furniture

501 S. 7th Street
Matching end and coffee table, hall tree, round end table, desk, mirror, toys, boys/girls clothes (size 2 and under), and miscellaneous

550 Vine Street

Springfield Methodist Church – 480 Main Street (Saturday only)
Assortment of  household items and clothing


Three Conestoga DI (Destination Imagination) Teams
recently qualified to go to
Global Competition in Knoxville, TN!
To help fund their travel expenses, they're planning to a
plant sale, concessions stand and yard sale during
Murray Community Garage Sales
Friday and Saturday
May 1 & 2
8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Just swing by Tyson Park for some refreshments on Friday or Saturday
and while you're there enjoying your treats, snoop around...
you might also find a treasure at their yard sale!
Then, stop by the Elementary School at 104 East High Street
for some beautiful plants for your garden or yard.
There will be a large assortment of
annuals, perennials, hanging baskets and vegetables
to choose from and with
Mother's Day the following weekend,
this would be a perfect opportunity to find something special for
Mom, Grandma or a favorite aunt or friend!
Let's all pull together to help get the kids to Knoxville!!


May 23, 2009
Lake Ridge Golf Course

(located 1 ¼ miles east of Hwy 75 off Murray Road, south side of Beaver Lake)
HONORED CLASSES: 2009, 1999, 1989, 1979, 1969, 1959, 1949, 1939

1:00 – 6:00 (shot-gun start)
18 Hole 4-Person Scramble
Open to first 72 Golfers or 18 Teams
* We can assist with pairing up people to make a team*
Cost includes golf, cart, prizes and sack lunch
Cost: $42/player

6:30 - ???
The banquet will be hosted at Fairways Restaurant, Lake Ridge Golf Course, located inside the clubhouse. A buffet-style dinner will be provided including drinks (ice tea, coffee and water). All other drinks i.e. soda and alcohol can be purchased.
Cost: $15/person or $28/couple

PLEASE RSVP by MAY 8th to:
James Hoshor  jhoshor@gurualliance.com
Ed Behrns  ELB0920@hotmail.com

MAY 30-31, 2009
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Drop-off location is southeast of Murray Repair,
(Follow South St., turn right), at the old sewer plant, which is fenced-in.)
PROOF of RESIDENCE will be CHECKED by Village Personnel, so bring a current water bill statement.
(Non-resident items will NOT be accepted.)
Items accepted:
Other items, except for those listed below:
Items NOT accepted:
Call Village Clerk for more details, 235-2119


Starting May 11, it will cost you another 2 cents to send a first class letter.Stamps for 1-ounce letters will jump in price from 42 cents to 44 cents. Prices for other types and sizes of mail will change also.
However, there is a bit of good news for people who plan ahead when buying stamps:
Customers can use their FOREVER STAMPS, regardless of when they were purchased, to mail 1-ounce letters after the price change, without the need for additional postage.
You can still purchase FOREVER STAMPS at the post office.
Check it out at www.usps.gov

PUTT for a CAR
8 - 10 a.m.
are sponsoring a golf putting contest
for licensed drivers to qualify for a
chance to win a
You'll have two chances to make your putt.
Qualifiers will then attend a 'putt-off' on
July 1st
at Timber Creek Golf Course
for their
chance to win a
(If you are interested in having a 'putt' at your business, please call Vicki,
402-677-4833 for more information.)

Saturday, May 16, 2009

1 p.m. - 3 p.m.
Old Avoca Schoolhouse
Avoca, Nebraska
Any age or experience level of fiddlers, violinists or violists encouraged to enroll
Pre-registration Required
Enrollment Limited
$20.00 per fiddler
Deborah Greenblatt, championship fiddler and fiddle book author, will explain some of the rules (if any) that fiddlers are likely to see. Tune choices and performance customs will be discussed, as well. This workshop should be helpful for those wanting to learn some of the do's and dont's when playing in a fiddle contest, and particularly for those planning to enter the
Monumental Fiddling Championship
in Beatrice on
Saturday, May 23.
Call 402-275-3221 or e-mail debby@greenblattandseay.com
Now, stop fiddling around and enroll today!