• About our Village of Murray

    About our Village of Murray

    Murray is a village in Cass County, Nebraska, United States. The population was 481 at the 2000 census. As of the census of 2000, there were 481 people, 188 households, and 140 families residing in the village. Read More
  • Conestoga Elementary School

    Conestoga Elementary School

    "Our school and school district are dedicated to providing all students with the educational foundation necessary to succeed in school and in life. To ensure your child’s success, we set high standards that are reflected in what is taught in our classrooms." Read More
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Made possible in part by Community Sustaining Sponsor


Visitors coming to Murray can locate Young Park by looking for the water tower which stands high on a hill on the northwest corner of town. The main entrance to the park is from Highway 1 where there are two large brick pillars on opposite sides of Rieke Avenue.


The village's largest park accommodates most local baseball, softball and soccer teams. Cass County also hosts its' largest Fourth of July festivities right here every summer.

As you may have read in the Village Minutes last month, the board accepted a bid from Clairmont Construction of Omaha for the Young Memorial Park Concession-Restroom Project. The process of obtaining the building permit is in the works so the construction process can be started.

Below is the current concession stand:


The new concrete block structure will house both the restrooms and concessions area, so the old restroom building will become a storage facility. A new home needs to be found for the current concession building, so if you know anyone who needs a storage shed, please contact Eileen at Town Hall or any board member.

Below is the view of Park Street looking west. You can see the existing restrooms up the hill, partially concealed here by the concession stand.

The site of the new building will be to the south, (left), of the road, directly behind the existing concession stand. Modifications will be made to the road, also, to accommodate the improvements.


A 'Village of Murray Parks' account has now been established at the Murray State Bank. This fund will be used to help make improvements at both Young Memorial and Tyson Parks. If you would like to make a charitable donation, please write 'Donation' on the bottom of your check or just stop by Town Hall and leave your cash donation with Eileen and she'll issue a receipt to you at that time.

As a loving tribute, please consider a memorial donation for the purchase of a table, park bench or playground equipment in honor of a beloved family member or friend.


The photo below shows that more improvements are needed at Young Park.  The tennis court,  (located on the hill above the ball field), is not in very good condition and the batting cage is an eyesore.



The picnic shelter below offers a great view of the ball field and a nice retreat  from the hot summer sun.  Sitting atop this hill, it usually has a nice breeze going through, too.  It could sure use some updating, though.  How about a couple of built-in barbecue grills?


The playground could use some more equipment and some park benches would make this a wonderful spot for a relaxing afternoon 'getaway'!


Your ideas are needed for park improvements and fundraisers. We'll print them right here in the Newsletter.

Send to Editor@murraynebraska.com and put 'Park Improvements' in the subject line.

Let's all  pull together to get our parks back into shape!