Happily we bask in this warm September sun, which illuminates all creatures.
Henry David Thoreau
American naturalist, essayist, poet, and philosopher
If you travel Hwy 75 (north or south) passing by or using the Hwy 75/Hwy 1/Murray Rd intersection, even before the current construction, you know that it is a very dangerous intersection. The current “proposed turnaround” to avoid some left/right turns will not make it more safe. What is absolutely needed at this intersection is a permanent stoplight. The state continues to say they cannot place a stoplight there; however, if enough people email them, I believe it will cause them to “change their minds.”
If you agree that a permanent stoplight is vital for safety of the lives of drivers of all ages who use this intersection, please send an email to the four email addresses shown. These are the people who need to receive the email and represent different but valid reasons to receive it. You should address the content from your personal point of view. For example, as a parent who drives their child to school in Murray, how often you use the intersection and why you believe it is dangerous w/o a stoplight; as a farmer who drives a semi through this intersection, why you think it is dangerous; as a high school-age driver, a senior citizen, and so on. No matter the ages, it's still a dangerous intersection for all who travel there.
TAlso, watch for an upcoming public meeting at Murray Christian Church on Oct 13 on this also and ATTEND any such meetings. People, speak out. Let your voice be heard.
Use these email addresses for your comments on Hwy 75/Hwy 1 intersection comments:
You recently may have received notice about Black Hills Energy Company's Annual Price Option Plan for next year. You can lock in a rate on natural gas for an entire year. Go to www.annualpriceoption.com, enter your zip code and account numberfor more details.
Only the first 12,000 customers to register will be enrolled. Sign-up is in full swing NOW until October 7th.
St. John the Baptist Catholic School (Pre-K -8) in Plattsmouth is searching for a full-time first grade para-professional.
The Resource Para will assist the first grade classroom teacher and other support personnel with instruction. The Para also helps monitor student progress and performance by collecting data and maintaining records.
All applicants must agree to a background check and complete online Safe Environmemt Training.
Read a full job description, and apply online here: https://stjbcatholic.com/join-our-team/
The Union, NE American Legion Auxiliary Hall, 104 W Main St, is available for rental!
Reasonable rates for 4-8 hours
Full kitchen, carpeted dining hall, and all utilities.
Easy to locate on Main Street.
Individuals have rented it for birthday parties,
showers, anniversaries, and funeral dinners.
For more information, or to reserve the Hall, call
Nancy Crook 402-263-2035.
(This is a landline with an answering machine, so leave a voice message, do not try to text.)
Conestoga High School's Convenience Corner is collecting foods for easy meals needed throughout the summer break, such as mac and cheese, Ramen noodles, etc.
You may drop off donations on Wednesday, Thursday or Fridays, between 10 am and 2 pm at Murray Christian Church, 304 W Young Street. Contact the church office, 402-235-2527 or send email to church2527@windstream.net for more information.
We are thrilled to announce our 2022 educational line-up!
Each month our coalition will focus on educating the community about a specific tobacco issue through our listserv, social media, and advertising. Additionally, at each monthly meeting a national or local speaker will educate our members & guests on the topic. We are currently meeting on the 4th Thursday of the month from 11:30-12:30 via zoom.
Please invite a colleague or friend!
Register HERE.
View Details >>

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Worst Blood Shortage in Over a Decade!
The American Red Cross is facing a national blood crisis – its worst blood shortage in over a decade, posing a concerning risk to patient care. Doctors have been forced to make difficult decisions about who receives blood transfusions and who will need to wait until more products become available. Blood and platelet donations are critically needed to help prevent further delays in vital medical treatments. Please schedule your blood donation today.
Local Volunteers and Blood Donors Needed
To Schedule Your Upcoming Blood Drive Donation, click HERE or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767):
VFW Post 2543
510 1st Ave
Plattsmouth, NE
11:30 am - 5:30 pm
Nebraska Masonic Home
1300 Ave D
Plattsmouth, NE
10 am - 4 pm
Plattsmouth High School
1916 E Hwy 34
Plattsmouth, NE
8 am - 2 pm
Louisville High School
202 W 3rd St
Louisville, NE
10 am - 4 pm
Weeping Water High School
204 W O Street
Weeping Water, NE
Noon - 6 pm
About blood donation
To donate blood, individuals need to bring a blood donor card or driver’s license or two other forms of identification that are required at check-in. Individuals who are 17 years of age in most states (16 with parental consent where allowed by state law), weigh at least 110 pounds and are in generally good health may be eligible to donate blood. High school students and other donors 18 years of age and younger also must meet certain height and weight requirements.
Donors can also save up to 15 minutes at the blood drive by completing a RapidPass®. With RapidPass®, donors complete the pre-donation reading and health history questionnaire online, on the day of donation, from a mobile device or computer. To complete a RapidPass®, follow the instructions at RedCrossBlood.org/RapidPass or use the Red Cross Blood Donor App.
In most cases, those who have received a COVID-19 vaccine can donate. However, knowing the name of the manufacturer of the vaccine they received is important in determining donation eligibility
Blood drive safety
Each Red Cross blood drive and donation center follows the highest standards of safety and infection control, and additional precautions – including face masks for donors and staff, regardless of vaccination status – have been implemented to help protect the health of all those in attendance. Donors are asked to schedule an appointment prior to arriving at the drive.
About the American Red Cross:
The American Red Cross shelters, feeds and provides comfort to victims of disasters; supplies about 40% of the nation's blood; teaches skills that save lives; distributes international humanitarian aid; and supports veterans, military members and their families. The Red Cross is a nonprofit organization that depends on volunteers and the generosity of the American public to deliver its mission. For more information, please visit redcross.org or CruzRojaAmericana.org, or follow us on Twitter at @RedCross.
All children need a secure place to learn and grow. The ideal place should be in their own home, however many kids are not that fortunate.
In times of neglect or abuse, a child must sometimes be removed from their home at a moment's noticed and placed in a warm, safe place. Kids of all ages, from birth through high school, sometimes need the help of the Child Saving Institute.
CSI helps foster parents and biological families learn the skills they need for a safe, well-cared-for, and loving family life.During this unsettling time of covid-19, the Murray Christian Church is collecting essential cleaning items for the Child Saving Institute.
If you would like to donate, here are some things they could use:Pine Sol, Lysol Disinfectant Spray, sanitizing wipes, latex and powder-free disposable gloves, (L & XL), and hand sanitizer.
Please bring items to Murray Christian Church, 304 W Young St, Murray, NE on Wednesdays, Thursdays or Fridays, between the hours of 10 - 2:00. You may call the church ahead of time, 402-235-2527, to be sure someone will be there to assist you.
Thank you for helping to keep these children, (and the CSI staff), healthy and happy!
The Conestoga Backpack Program continues to furnish food to local families in need. The program serves the Murray, Nehawka, Union and Beaver Lake areas in southeast Nebraska, and will not turn anyone away.
Just by adding a few of the items listed below to your shopping list and picking them up, you'll be helping someone in a big way. Keep in mind that some of the children are very young and are possibly 'preparing' their own meals, so easy-to-open containers are a good option for little hands.
Granola bars
Fruit snacks
Dry pasta
Spaghetti sauce
Dry soup mixes
Canned meat (chicken, tuna)
Boxed prepared meal kits (Hamburger Helper, Rice-a-Roni)
Peanut butter
Canned fruit and vegetables
Also needed are hygienic supplies, toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, cotton swabs, tissues and toilet paper.
To make a monetary donation instead, a check made payable to 'CONESTOGA BACKPACK PROGRAM' may be mailed or deposited at Cornerstone Bank, 102 W Main St, Murray, NE 68409. 100% of all monies collected is used for food and hygienic supplies for the families.
To have the items picked up, call Jill at 402-660-3543 to make arrangements. As another alternative, you may drop them off at Cornerstone Bank in Murray or at their Beaver Lake location.
Your help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Elmwood Library Hours
Monday: 3:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Tuesday: 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Wednesday: 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Thursday: 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Saturday: 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Easy Library Links
Online Card Catalog https://elmwoodpubliclibrary.follettdestiny.com/
Libby Library App https://help.libbyapp.com/index.htm
Save the date!
8 AM – 3 PM
OVWC Show and Shine 2022
Main Street, Louisville, Nebraska
Registration 8:00am – 11:00am
Judging 11:00am – 1:00pm
Awards around 3:00pm
Restaurants and shops will be open.
Camping nearby at Louisville State Park. The club will reserve a few campsites (will update once they are reserved), or you can go through outdoornebraska.gov and reserve nearby spots. Camping and cabins also available nearby at Platte River State Park. Closest hotels are in Gretna, NE (about a 15-20 min drive to Louisville).
* * * * *
Omaha Volkswagen Club Show and Shine
Pancake Breakfast
(Sponsored by LVFD Auxiliary)
122 Main St, Louisville, NE
SEP 17 AT 9 AM – SEP 18 AT 6 PM
AppleJack Weekend #1
Join us for the first of two AppleJack Festival Weekends! Where better to experience the fruits of the orchard than at Arbor Day Farm?! Savor seasonal tastes and activities, including:
+ U-pick Apples
+ Caramel Apples & Fresh Apple Pie
+ Apple Donuts
+ Apple Cider
+ Wine Tasting & Hard Cider Tasting
+ Sunset Orchard Wine Tastings
+ Love, the Locals Makers Market
Plus enjoy lunch at a food truck or grab barbecue from Porters, experience time in the trees at the Tree Adventure, and take a stroll through history at Arbor Lodge. AppleJack activities take place throughout Nebraska City and include a parade downtown on Saturday, Sept. 17 at 1 p.m. Learn more about activities happening throughout Nebraska City here: https://nebraskacity.com/festival/apple-jack-festival/
There's so much to see and do, you might as well make it a weekend with an overnight stay at Lied Lodge. Call 402-873-8733 or book now online: https://reservations.arbordayfarm.org/ll/
For your convenience, the Tree Adventure and Arbor Lodge Mansion will require tickets for admission. We encourage you to purchase tickets in advance online. Space will be limited. We cannot guarantee entrance to these attractions/activities without a pre-purchased ticket. Arbor Day Farm attractions are open Tuesday through Sunday only.
CALL FOR VENDORS! | Flea Market on Elm Street | September 24th
Handmade, Vintage, Antiques, Crafters, Artisan Foods, Bath & Body, Home Decor, Clothing, and Plants… all vendors welcome.
Please join us for the Flea Market on Elm Street during the Party On The Rocks fall festival in Weeping Water on September 24th! Party On The Rocks is a fall celebration that will include: flea market, food trucks, cornhole tournament, kids activities and more, topped off with an evening street dance and beer garden.
Booth prices:
Outdoors: Up to 10 ft x 20 ft space $20
Indoors: 10 ft x 10 ft space $30 (Inside Gibson Hall, table and 2 chairs included)
For more information and to register, please call Brooke Gjerde at 402-297-6872 or email brookeg_2010@hotmail.com.
Camping is available at the city campground. Visit https://weepingwater.org/campgrounds for information.
Dear Avoca Friends, near and far!
The Avoca, NE Town Hall has been a big part of the Village for many years. Without it many people would be at a loss on where to gather for village events and many other occasions.
The last couple of years have been a struggle due to covid cancellations, funds are short. The Hall is in major need of repairs. Board members are working on raising money to help cover the cost of repairs that need to be made.
1. New Roof
2. Masonry work on front of building
3. Replacement of Deck
4. General Maintenance
If you would like to help in our efforts to save the Town Hall we
would very much appreciate any monetary donation towards our goal of
How to donate:
Send check made payable to Avoca Town Hall to:
Nadine Kreifels
515 Tefft
Avoca, NE 68307
Send Message on FaceBook if you have questions: https://www.facebook.com/Avoca-Nebraska-503016386474287
211 Main Street, Louisville, NE
Like us on FB!
Call for showtimes, 1-800-480-8797, EXT 211. For more info, leave us a voice mail at the end of the message and we'll return your call!

Luke Bryan Concert
Have you heard the news! Luke Bryan is coming to Murdock for a concert at Stock Hay Company on September 22nd. The whole community is buzzing and it's going to be the event of the year.
Tickets can be purchased here https://www.lukebryan.com/tour

P.A.R.C. members get together Tuesday evenings at Plattsmouth's Burger King at 6 pm.
Monthly meetings the last Saturday of most months at Mom's Cafe in Plattsmouth, 8 am. (NO December monthly meeting.)
Click HERE or on the radio antenna logo above to read the latest newsletter and calendar.
For more info, contact Roger Behrns, rb55930@windstream.net or call 402-234-6775.
Do you need assistance? We're here to help!
Contact Cass County Veteran Service Officer
Email: ccvso@cassne.org
Admin Assistant: Jacie Victor
Email: ccvsoadmin@cassne.org
Call for appointment! 402-296-9368
The following is an employment opportunity available to older adults in Cass County.
Experience Works is a national, non-profit organization funded by the US Dept of Labor to administer the Senior Community Service Employment Program, which assists people 55 and older in getting updated training to assist in returning to the workforce. This is a federally funded program and offers a no-cost employment service to older adults who qualify.
Once accepted into the program, individuals are placed in a training site in or near their community, where they gain on the job experience while working 20-21 hours/week at $8/hour.
We also help with skill assessments, computer training, resumes, cover letters, job search, etc.
The goal is that through the training and job search assistance we gain help older adults gain good jobs in or around their communities.
Stephanie MahonyEmployment and Training CoordinatorExperience Works, Inc.
1111 "O" Street Ste 205
American Job CenterLincoln, NE 68508
Phone: 402-441-1654Fax: 402-441-6038
Nebraska Toll-free Number: 1-877-314-7526
Below is a list of categories that we are happy to post, (at NO COST to you!), in the weekly Murray online newsletter:
Letters to the Editor
Birthday Greeting
Upcoming Events
Cards of Thanks
Lost and Found
and So Much More!
That's right! These are all items that can appear FREE of CHARGE in each Wednesday's Murray Newsletter and/or Calendar! All YOU have to do is send the information to us - it's that simple!
DEADLINE for submissions to each week's Wednesday Newsletter is NOON on the preceding MONDAY.
There are 3 ways you can submit your articles:
1) You may call your information to 402-235-2926 and leave a voice mail with your name and phone number.
2) Email your story with your name, contact info and story, in plain text to:
Send photos in .jpg format, no larger than 495 pixels wide or photos and fliers in a .pdf, to the e-address above with your story in plain text.
3) Send items via the U.S. postal service to:
Be sure to allow enough time to be received by Monday! Also, when mailing items you'd like to get back, please enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
Remember to include 'who, what, when, where and why', along with any other helpful details, such as a contact person and phone.
Again, you must have your name and contact information included with the information.
Thanks for helping to keep YOUR Murray Newsletter fresh and up-to-date!
It's easy and FREE! Click HERE.
You will receive an email Wednesday morning at 6:30 with a link to the NL.
You may also receive the Murray NL on your mobile device at 1:30 that same day by entering your number at the 'MURRAY MOBILE' box on this page.
NO WORRIES. We do NOT sell or give your e-address or phone to anyone!
Community Sustaining Sponsors 2022
2022 Community Sustaining Sponsor
2022 Community Sustaining Sponsor
2022 Community Sustaining Sponsor
2022 Community Sustaining Sponsor
2022 Community Sustaining Sponsor
2022 Community Sustaining Sponsor
2022 Community Sustaining Sponsor
2022 Community Sustaining Sponsor
2022 Community Sustaining Sponsor
2022 Community Sustaining Sponsor
2022 Community Sustaining Sponsor
2022 Community Sustaining Sponsor
2022 Community Sustaining Sponsor
2022 Community Sustaining Sponsor
2022 Community Sustaining Sponsor
2022 Community Sustaining Sponsor
Read Our Neighbors' Newsletters!
Also FREE SUBSCRIPTIONS to these Newsletters!
Click on any of the links below to subscribe.
Click to Read today's SpringfieldNebraska Newsletter
Click to Read today's PlattsmouthNebraska Newsletter
Click to Read today's WeepingWaterNebraska Newsletter
Click to Read today's NehawkaNebraska Newsletter
Click to Read today's CedarCreekNebraska Newsletter
Click to Read today's AvocaNebraska Newsletter
Click to Read today's ElmwoodNebraska Newsletter
Click to Read today's MurdockNebraska Newsletter
Click to Read today's LouisvilleNebraska Newsletter
Click to Read today's EagleNebraska Newsletter
Click to Read today's MurrayNebraska Newsletter
Click to Read today's UnadillaNebraska Newsletter
Click to Read today's UnionNebraska Newsletter
Click to Read today's AlvoNebraska Newsletter
Click to Read today's ManleyNebraska Newsletter