
My Grandma, Alma Gloekler

1902 ~ 1971






Do you have a special someone you'd like to say, "Congratulations, Graduate", "Happy Father's Day" or another special greeting to?

Send it to us and we'll put the picture and your message right here!

Instructions for submitting your item is at the end of the Newsletter.




Middle School Boys' & Girls' Track

May 13 ECMC Meet @ HOME, 2pm

Varsity Boys' & Girls' Track

May 6, JCC Invitational, 9am
May 12, Districts, Time and Place TBA
May 20 State Championships, Time and Place TBA








MAY 20 - 21, 2011

Sign-up forms are also available at the
Post Office, Murray State Bank and Town Hall.


Murray Garage Sales
Friday and Saturday
May 20 - 21, 2011

8 a.m. - ?

Name:  ____________________________________

Phone:  ____________________________________

Sale Location:  ______________________________

My sale days (same cost if doing one or both days) : 
Friday, May 20 ______  Saturday, May 21 ______

Items of Special Interest to Note on Maps, (where space allows):

1.  ___________________________________

2.  ___________________________________

3.  ___________________________________

Print, fill-out and send this form with $12.00 to cover cost of ink, fliers, advertising in newspapers, maps, etc. NO LATER THAN MAY 15, 2011 to:
Pat Zeigler
201 N How Ave
Murray, NE  68409-8403
Call with ?'s, 402-235-2926
or email





When your garage sale is over, volunteers will once again pick up any
left-over items for your tax deductible donation to Hosanna Lutheran
Church in Plattsmouth.  Please try to have your items in boxes, instead
of bags, if at all possible.  Just call 402-235-2999 and leave a message
for Gloria or Tom.  They'll return your call to set up a pick-up time.






Murray Troop 201 Junior Girl Scouts

will be sponsoring a

Bake Sale & Hot Dog Stand


Saturday, May 21st from 7am until Noon

Murray Christian Church

In the event of rain, we will be located inside the Murray Christian Church.

The Junior Girl Scouts are working toward earning their Bronze Awards and with the proceeds from this event they will be purchasing items for the
Plattsmouth Animal Shelter.  The day of the event we will be accepting new or used pet supplies which can include collars, leashes, pet toys, etc.

Take a break during the Murray Garage Sales and stop by for a quick
breakfast or lunch item to support a wonderful cause.

Thank you!
Girl Scout Troop 201






The CASS COUNTY GOING GREEN recycle trailer will be located on these dates
in the following locations:

April 30 - May 6, Beaver Lake
April 30 - May 6, Nehawka
May 14 - 20, Murray (Fire Dept parking lot)
May 14 - 20, Nehawka
May 21 - 27, Beaver Lake

(Murray will also continue to have the recycle bin located behind Town Hall every day, although this is for Murray residents only.)




13780 12th ST


8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.




$2.00 for less than pick-up load
4.00 pick-up load
10.00 any dump truck or dump trailer


$5.00 each for  washers, dryers, microwaves, water heaters, lawn mowers,
refrigerators, air conditioners and freezers.

Additional $30 fee if freon is not removed!

Used Oil - Free

Yard Waste

Tree limbs, leaves, grass clippings and garden brush.
Limbs under 24 inches round must be cut into lengths no longer than 8 feet;
20 - 40 inch - round, no longer than 4 feet in length; over 40 inches round
must be no longer than 3 feet long.

$20.00 charge per load if any trees are larger than 23 inches across!

$4.00 - Cars & Vans
5.00 - Pick-up or Trailer up to 6'
8.00 - Full-size pick-up or Trailer up to 8'
12.00 - Trailers over 8'
15.00 - Dump truck or Trailer under 10'
25.00 - Dump truck or Trailer over 10'


$ 4.00 each Car or Pick-up
8.00 each Semi
13.00 each Tractor


$ 5.00, Pick-up or Regular Trailer
10.00, up to 10' Dump Truck or Trailer
15.00 double axle Dump Truck or Dump Trailer


$  3.00 each skid-loader bucket
10.00 each loader bucket


$  5.00 each skid-loader bucket
15.00 each loader bucket










646 Main Street
Plattsmouth, NE  68048

Phone:  402-296-4770
website: www.nebraskamuseums.org/casscountymuseum.htm




Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Guest Speaker:  Bonnie Brewer

One of the newest museums in Cass County is the G.A.R. Museum in
Elmwood, housed in the 1886 G.A.R. Hall.

Bonnie Brewer will tell us about the museum ald also share some history
about Elmwood which will celebrate its 125th birthday on May 28.


Book Discussion:  The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Leader:  Kirsten Wood

In conjunction with the Big Read, Kirsten Wood of Plattsmouth Public Library
will lead a book discussion of this year's book, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,
by Mark Twain.  Copies of the readers' guide are available at the Museum
and the Library is giving away copies of Tom Sawyer, if you need a copy.



Nebraska Senator Ben Nelson's Update

April 26, 2011

This morning I was at the University of Nebraska Medical Center for the ribbon-
cutting of a new mobile nursing center, an exciting tool that will increase access
to care for senior citizens throughout Nebraska.

The 38-foot long RV is equipped with exam rooms and labs and will be staffed
by nurses as it travels across our state to do health screenings and provide spe-
cialized medical services for seniors. If seniors can't make it to UNMC in Omaha,
this mobile clinic will bring UNMC to them!

By making these screening and preventive services more easily available to
seniors, we hope it will reduce the need for more serious medical attention down
the road.

As Benjamin Franklin said, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."
And, to make this mobile clinic even better, it will be used as a training tool for
UNMC that will hopefully help get more students to specialize in geriatric services
and show them the value of serving rural communities.

The mobile clinic will take care of the elderly who otherwise wouldn't have access
to these services, and it will help train medical professionals. It is a good investment
in the people of Nebraska.




District 2 Interests in the 2011 Legislature

April 29, 2011, Lincoln

The 49 people who serve in the Nebraska Legislature are state
senators. This means they are collectively responsible for creating
laws and policies for the entire state of Nebraska. However, each
of the 49 senators also represents a geographic region of the state
and the people who live there. While my fellow senators and I must
always keep in mind what is best for our state as a whole, we are
most directly influenced by the needs of our own legislative district.
This reality frequently guides my thoughts and actions.

This year I sought a new way to vote for the needs of District 2 at the
committee level, as well as on the floor of the legislature. I knew major
tax proposals, such as the much-discussed roads funding plan, would
come before the Revenue Committee, and they would certainly impact
our legislative district. Increased long-term roads funding is critical for
District 2. District 43 Senator Deb Fischer, primary sponsor of the
roads funding proposal LB 84, and I collaborated in a joint effort to be
seated as new members of the Revenue Committee. Senator Fischer
and I helped to move LB 84 to the floor for debate by the legislature.

In my first four years as a state senator, many proposals I introduced were
prompted by District 2 constituents. The tradition continued this year with
themes such as economic development, elections, commercial licensing
requirements and user fees. LB 213 is the third bill I have sponsored for
Heritage Nebraska and the Main Street Program. All of the bills focused
on the need to maintain the Program's small but vital state appropriation.
The effort this year was the most urgent, because the Department of
Economic Development and the Legislature's Appropriations Committee
both deleted the Program's funding from their budget proposals. At the
hearing on LB 213, the Committee was reminded of Nebraska's long
standing commitment to this Program. In the past year alone, 111 new
jobs and 29 new businesses were created on Nebraska's Main Streets.
Committee members were reminded of Main Streets in their own legislative
districts, and the fact that $16.42 is re-invested in the community for every
dollar spent to operate a local program. I hope when the Committee's bud-
get proposal is advanced to the floor later this month, it will include the fund-
ing proposed by LB 213 for Heritage Nebraska and the Main Street Program.

I introduced LB 214 to require nonpartisan ballots for election of county
and city officials. The request to place this issue before a legislative com-
mittee was brought to me by District 2 residents, who want to vote in every
election and would enjoy the opportunity to vote for the person whom they
believe to be the best candidate. Some local officials in Nebraska, includ-
ing incumbents at the county level, echoed the same desire for change. On
a personal note, I have run in nine primary and general elections. Each time
I was elected on a nonpartisan ballot.

People who were interested in this issue observed that political party
affiliation has less bearing on local offices which are often administrative
or ministerial. In places where one party has an overwhelming registration
advantage, the partisan primary becomes the only election that matters.
This puts many people in the position of having no real voice in the elec-
tion or requires them to change party affiliation in order to vote. This disin-
genuous change in party affiliation is not based on political philosophy,
but rather on getting around an election law simply to be able to vote. While
LB 214 focused on elections for county and city offices, District 41 Senator
Kate Sullivan introduced LB 186 to require nonpartisan elections for county
offices. LB 186 reflected discontent with an election outcome in Senator
Sullivan's district. Constituents in Districts 2 and 41 requested these election
law changes, and their senators responded. The Government, Military and
Veterans Affairs Committee held hearings on LBs 214 and 186 on the same
day. The Committee is still considering the fate of the proposals, although it
seems unlikely that they will be advanced to the full legislature.

I appreciate the opportunity you have given me to represent District 2 in the
Nebraska Legislature.

We welcome your contacts by mail, phone or email.

Senator Dave Pankonin
State Capitol
PO Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509

(402) 471-2613




4-H Members & Friends Experience Russian Culture

4-Hers and others had a chance to experience a little Russian culture
by making homemade noodles and rye bread and decorating eggs
Sorbian style during an April 25th workshop at the Cass County Extension

More Russian culture will be explored through activities, crafts, food
and fun during the annual Cass County 4-H Family Fun Night "Passport To
Adventure" Tuesday evening, June 7, at the Cass County fairgrounds north
of Weeping Water.  The public is invited to attend.  Contact Cass County
Extension at 402-267-2205 or
cass-county@unl.edu to register.


Emma Gauthier concentrates on design details as she applies melted crayon
wax to a blown-out egg with a hand cut duck feather to create an intricate pattern.


Back left to right:  Delaney Bright, Katie Schneider, Patricia Kasson, Savannah
Schafer and Liz Rice practice the art of kneading dough to create the perfect
loaves of rye bread as Samuel and Zachery Gauthier and Claire Uhe observe.


Delaney Bright and Katie Schneider try their hand at cutting noodles after mixing, rolling and folding dough.



The "SAC Federal Credit Union" Team with the Cass County Relay has a
fundraiser going on now and until they are sold out. They are offering
bracelets for a minimum $2 donation to the Relay. The bracelets are 
purple silicone with grey swirls and white lettering that says
"CU Crush Cancer".

Stop in to 219 South 23rd Street Plattsmouth, Ne.(next to Pamida) to





Bike Helmet Use Could Prevent 45,000 Head Injuries to Kids

Safe Kids Sarpy Cass Offers Bike Safety Tips

Spring has arrived and families are gearing up to enjoy the outdoors on their bikes.
While inflating the tires and checking the brakes are important - a helmet is essential.
Safe Kids Sarpy/Cass urges parents, caregivers, and children to use their helmet each
time they ride their bike - no matter how long or short the distance traveled. Each year,
approximately 135 children die from bicycle-related injuries and more than 267,000 non-
fatal bicycle injuries occur. Helmets can reduce the risk of severe brain injuries by 88 per-
cent; however, only 15 to 25 percent of children 14 and under usually wear a bicycle helmet.

"A bike helmet is essential safety gear," says Jane Husz, Safe Kids Sarpy/Cass Coordinator.
"Helmets could prevent an estimated 75 percent of fatal head injuries and up to 45,000
head injuries to children who ride bikes each year." Sometimes children mistakenly believe
that they don't need to wear helmets when they're riding near home. Unfortunately, about 53
percent of vehicle-related bike deaths to children happen on minor roads and residential
streets. "Teach kids to obey traffic signs and the rules of the road. Kids should not ride with-
out supervision until they have demonstrated that they always follow the rules," says Jane Husz.

A helmet should also be labeled to indicate that it meets the standards set by the U.S. Consumer
Product Safety Commission. "As long as it's certified, let kids pick out their helmets" Jane Husz says.
"If they think a helmet looks cool, they'll be more likely to wear it when you're not around." Safe Kids
Sarpy/Cass also reminds parents and caregivers to make sure the helmet fits and your kids know
how to put it on correctly. A helmet should sit on top of the head in a level position, and should not
rock forward and backward or side to side. The helmet straps must always be buckled, but not
too tightly.

Safe Kids recommends the "Eyes, Ears and Mouth" test:

EYES: Position the helmet on your head. Look up and you should see the bottom rim of the helmet.
The rim should be one to two finger-widths above the eyebrows.

EARS: Make sure the straps of the helmet form a "V" under your ears when buckled. The strap should
be snug but comfortable.

MOUTH: Open your mouth as wide as you can. Do you feel the helmet hug your head? If not, tighten
those straps and make sure the buckle is flat against your skin. Make sure the bike is the right size
for the child. There should be about 1-inch of clearance between the bike frame and the child's groin
when the child's feet are flat on the ground.

When in doubt, get help. The sales staff at any bicycle shop or outdoor recreation store should be
able to provide expert advice on fitting and adjusting bikes and helmets. The single most effective
safety device available to reduce head injury and death from bicycle crashes is a helmet.

Remember, bike helmets are for biking. Kids should not wear bike helmets on the playground
(where the straps can get caught on equipment and cause injury) or for activities that require
specialized helmets (such as skiing or football).

Also, make sure the bike is in good repair - reflectors are secure, brakes work properly, gears shift
smoothly, and tires are tightly secured and properly inflated.

Model and teach proper bicyclist behavior:

Ride on the right side of the road, with traffic, not against it.

Stay as far to the right as possible.

Use appropriate hand signals and respect traffic signals, stopping at all stop signs and stop lights.

For more information about bicycle safety, call 402-339-4334, ext. 210 or visit www.safekids.org.

National Bike Month has been coordinated annually since 1956 by the League of American Bicyclists;
for more information, visit

Safe Kids Sarpy Cass works to prevent unintentional childhood injury, the leading cause of death and
disability to children ages 1 to 14. Safe Kids Sarpy/Cass is a member of Safe Kids Worldwide, a
global network of organizations dedicated to preventing unintentional injury. Safe Kids Sarpy/Cass
was organized in2006 and is led by the Sarpy/Cass Department of Health and Wellness.

Safe Kids Sarpy Cass
701 Olson Drive, Ste. 101
Papillion, NE

Phone: (402) 339-4334
Fax: (402) 339-4235

For More Information, Contact:
Jane Husz, 402-339-4334 x 210







"Annie" Auditions at the Lofte

The Lofte Community Theatre will be holding auditions for its summer musical,
at 2pm and 7pm on Sunday, May 8,
7pm on Monday, May 9.

There are six roles available for girls ages 7-13.  It is suggested that children come
to the Sunday afternoon audition session.  There are roles for eight men and eight
women of various ages.  A complete cast list can be found on the Lofte website,

The production will be directed by Kevin Colbert.  Those who audition should bring
a prepared song of no more than one minute in length.  An accompanist is provided.  Dress comfortably and wear appropriate shoes for dancing.  If necessary, callbacks will be held between May 10 and May 12.

Rehearsals will begin as early as June 6.

Production dates for the play are July 22-August 7.

If further information is needed, please email Artistic Director Kevin Colbert at





Plant Sale

Louisville Vol Firemen's Auxiliary
Help us raise money for scholarships, and other events that we help support!

Saturday, May 7th  9-2p.m.
Louisville Fire Station

Large selection of bedding and garden plants

Jumbo Annual 6 Paks, Vegetable plants, Herb planters, Baskets, Vines,
Perennials, Grass and Much Much More!

Plants are grown locally by Janet's Jungle in Fremont, NE



Any questions please contact:

Teri McClun 234.4161

Candy McClun 234.4995








David Seay, Master Artist with the Nebraska Arts Council, will be presenting a

Harmonica Workshop/Concert
Sunday, May 8
2:30 PM
Old Avoca Schoolhouse
Avoca, Nebraska

The concert will be downstairs in The Old Avoca Schoolhouse, and  followed by
light refreshments, and a jam session with the performers.  Avoca is in southern
Cass County, Nebraska, on the 13 C Spur,  one mile south of Highway 34.

Admission is $5.00 for adults, and $1.00 for children and students.

Decent 10 hole diatonic harmonicas in the key of C will be available for purchase
for $3.00 each so everyone can join in the fun.  For more information, write to
Greenblatt & Seay, The Old Schoolhouse, P.O. Box 671, Avoca, Nebraska, 68307
or call 402-275-3221, or e-mail them

The historic Old Avoca Schoolhouse was built in 1925, and has been the home of
the Schoolhouse Performance Series since 1990.  Music lessons, workshops, fiddle
camps, and field trips are offered by Schoolhouse residents, Greenblatt & Seay and
are available by appointment.

Avoca is in southern Cass County, Nebraska, on the 13 C Spur, one mile south of
Highway 34 and three miles east of Highway 50. For more information, write to
Greenblatt & Seay, P.O. Box 671, Avoca, NE, 68307, or call 402-275-3221, or
e-mail them at
g-s@greenblattandseay.com, or visit their web site at



Workshop for Folks Who Have Never Fiddled

For folks who have never played a fiddle or violin, and are brave
enough to try, come to the

Schoolhouse Fiddle Workshop for Folks Who Have Never Fiddled.

Championship fiddler and fiddle book author, Deborah Greenblatt,
will share some hints about beginning fiddling, shopping for a fiddle,
reading music, playing by ear, etc.  Fiddles will be available for
participants to play, and source lists and advice for further study will
be provided.

The Workshop takes place on Saturday, May 14, 2011, 1 PM - 3 PM,
in the Old Avoca Schoolhouse, Avoca, Nebraska. 
Pre-registration is required, enrollment is limted, and there is a $20.00 fee.

For more information, call 402-275-3221, or send an e-mail to




Registration is now open for the 2011 Schoolhouse Fiddle Camps, in the Old Avoca Schoolhouse, in Avoca, Nebraska.

Deborah Greenblatt, championship fiddler, author of many fiddle collections, will help the campers get in touch with their inner fiddler.  The course of study during the Schoolhouse Fiddle Camps will be designed specifically for the individual campers who sign up.

Fiddle Camp for Beginners is Monday, June 13 - Friday, June 17.  This 5 day camp includes some of the basics and fun of fiddling, such as performing in public, practice techniques, reading music, playing y ear, and jamming.  Fiddling styles include bluegrass, Cajun, Irish, Klezmer, old-time, and newly composed tunes by the campers.  Movement and singing are included in the experience.

Fiddle Camp for Intermediate/Advanced Fiddlers is Monday, July 11 - Friday, July 15.  Campers will discuss picking tunes for contests, performing in public, practice techniques, reading music, playing by ear, playing for dancers, back-up fiddling, arranging twin fiddle pieces , and jamming. Many fiddling styles will be represented, including original compositions by the campers.  Campers can sign up for all 5 days, or just 2 days, or just one day of Intermediate camp.

Monday & Tuesday is for reading fiddlers/violinists who want to read more tunes. This mini-camp is perfect for fiddlers who want to improve their music reading skills, and for classically trained violinists, violists, and cellists who are interested in various fiddling styles. Using sheet music in standard notation, these campers will get to improve their sight reading, and experience the fun of playing fiddle tunes at the same time! Fiddling styles included in the sessions will be tailored
to the interest of the campers who register.

Wednesday & Thursday is for fiddlers/violinists who want to learn tunes by ear. This mini-camp is designed to jump-start your ability to pick up tunes quickly by ear, and to make them stick! Tunes used will reflect various styles, meters, tempos, and difficulty levels.

Friday is for fiddlers who "just wanna have fun". This mini camp includes jamming, modulating, singing, dancing, experimenting, sharing, improvising, and playing fiddle related instruments.

Each day is scheduled from 9 AM - 1 PM.  Registration is available on line at
. www.greenblattandseay.com

For more information, contact Deborah Greenblatt at debby@greenblattandseay.com.



The Otoe County Genealogical Society will be the local host society
for the 34th Annual Nebraska State Genealogical Society conference
that will be held at the Nebraska City First United Methodist Church
from May 6th through the 7th.  The conference will feature nationally-renown speaker, Gail Blankenau, whose presentations include: Breaking through with Land Records, Introduction to German Parish Records, Dating and Identifying Your 19th Century Photographs, Keeping Up with the Joneses...and Smiths, and Rich Resources for Poor Ancestors.

Cost for the 2-day conference is $75.00 and for a 1-day session is $40.00.

Registration information for the conference can be found on the Otoe County
Genealogical Society's main web page.



Event announcements and advertising can be an enormous expense when
you're wanting or needing to get the word out.  If you've checked into regular
newspaper pricing lately for such items, you'll know what I'm talking about.  So
why spend your hard-earned money, when you can accomplish the same thing
right here - FREE - on your local news website?

Below is a list of categories that will cost you absolutely nothing, except the
time to submit it, (which you'd have to do with a regular newspaper anyway):

Wedding / Engagement Announcements and Photos
Birth Announcements
Letters to the Editor
Birthday Greeting
Upcoming Events
Cards of Thanks
Lost and Found
and So Much More.

That's right!  These are all items that can appear FREE of CHARGE
in each Wednesday's Murray Newsletter and/or Calendar!

All YOU have to do is send the information to us - it's that simple!

Deadline for submissions to each week's Wednesday Newsletter is
NO LATER THAN NOON on the prior MONDAY and it's so easy to submit
your news.

1.)  You may call your information to 402-235-2926,
Leave a voice mail with your name phone number.

2.)  Email your story to Editor@MurrayNebraska.com
NO 'zip' files, please, and send photos in jpg format, if possible,
no larger than 340 x 480 pixels. (Picnik.com is a FREE photo editing website
where you can edit your photos before submitting them.  Try it, it's easy - and FREE!)

3.)  Send items via the U.S. postal service to:
Editor, MurrayNebraska.com
201 N How Ave, Murray, NE, 68409-8403. 
(When mailing items you'd like to get back, please enclose a self-addressed,
stamped envelope.)

Remember to include 'who, what, when, where and why', along with any other
helpful details, such as a contact person and phone.

Thanks for helping to keep YOUR Murray Newsletter fresh and up-to-date!





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Community Sustaining Sponsors 2011

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